
Endless Wave


Harmonic Ito Foundation Grants, for the cultural and artistic sector
Creating media that induce an intuitive understanding of natural phenomena.
Creative Director: Midori Yamazaki

Reproducing the “Ideal Wave”.
❄︎ Japanese follows English. 日本語訳は英語の後に続きます。
I’ve been surfing for more than 10 years, and just before the take-off when you catch a wave and stand up, the wave you see from just above the water has a beautiful curve and a special shape that you want to tell someone about. But the next moment it changes, and if you stare at it you will fall, so it remained vague in my memory, and for a long time, I did not know how to express it.

As I climbed up the large, wavy floor of the EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Learning Center, designed by the Japanese architect unit SANAA, I asked Yves Leterrier if he thought it would be possible to recreate an “ideal wave” like this floor. This project started when I showed Yves, who was showing me around, a science book about waves that I had with me. Professor Yves Leterrier of EPFL, with whom I collaborated this time, specializes in materials engineering and researches functional composite materials, and develops materials with various functions such as sustainable bio-based packaging. He asked me, “Can you try to write that ideal wave first?” I showed him a sketch that I wasn’t sure about, and he created a simulation of the wave using the equations of the laws of physics.

What surprised me was that the hand-drawn curve and the simulation were very similar. I thought that it might be possible to reproduce the ideal wave numerically. I proceeded with my research based on a maths reference book that a student from the University of Tokyo had given me as a gift. Thankfully, as I read little by little, it became clear that curves are closely related to mathematics, or rather, mathematics itself.

There was also an answer to a vague question that surfers often ask: “What is a good wave?”. Waves are related to time, period, wind speed, and wind speed distance. Waves that are generated by fast winds and travel long distances over long periods of time will have a longer period, store more energy, and break cleanly on the shore. The waves of Hawaii, for example, are famous mainly because they are created in the rough seas around Antarctica and travel long distances to crash on the shore. On the other hand, curves are also an important element of design. As there is no fixed shape, it is difficult to draw beautiful curves by hand and to judge whether they are beautiful or not, so it is necessary to draw various curves and get a feel for them in order to master them.

In the future, we are looking for ways to reproduce it at full scale. Going to space is wonderful, but when you think that it is possible to express the secrets of the Earth that can only be seen at that moment on that day, you can still look forward to the possibilities of creation.



スイスを訪れたとき、日本の建築家ユニット SANAAがデザインしたEPFL(スイス連邦工科大学)ラーニングセンターの大きく波打った床をよじ登りながら「この床みたいに“理想の波”を再現できると思いますか?」と、現地を案内してくれていたEPFLの教授Yves Leterrierに尋ねました。そして彼に、持ち歩いていた波の解説書を見せた時からこのプロジェクトは始まりました。今回コラボレーションした、Yvesが専門とする分野は材料工学で、機能性複合材料について研究しており、サステナブルなバイオベース・パッケージなどさまざまな機能のある素材を開発しています。彼に「まずはその理想の波を書いてみてもらえる?」と言われて、自信がないままスケッチを見せたら、物理法則の方程式を使った波のシミュレーションをつくってくれました。


